The Taste Of Haiti Box lauches July 2018
The Taste of Haiti now comes in a box
Miami, Florida – June 18, 2018 – Imagine being able to enjoy the exotic delights of Haitian food without having to stamp your passport or even leave the comfort of your own home. Alnie Innocent has figured out a way to bring Haiti to you with the “Taste of Haiti” Box.
I was inspired one day to showcase the scrumptious and appetizing delights of Haiti and decided to sell Haitian products at the Green Market in Delray Beach every Saturday. I would sell out every weekend and one of my returning customers from the Delray Chamber of Commerce asked if I still had the “Taste of Haiti” Box, and I realized at that moment that it was much bigger than just Delray and that the world needed to experience Haiti firsthand. Fast forward to our first production and today, our official launch in July,” shares Ms. Innocent.
As a bi-monthly subscription, the “Taste of Haiti” Box offers a little of everything Haitian, from food products to beauty and jewelry, the box is an array of different aspects of what the “Perle des Antilles” has to offer. Each box is personally made with love and mixes a touch of everything that you would like to discover.
Vendors vary from Rhum Barbancourt, Valmas Cremas, MelangeHaiti and HaiTea to Caribrew, Rebo Mamba and Kreyol Essence to name but a few. From the array of choices, the “Taste of Haiti” Box ensures that no two products will be duplicated and guarantees the authenticity of every item.
I wanted to make sure that I worked with local Haitian businesses and Haiti-based merchants and artisans, so that each box exuded the beauty of Haiti and its products,” says Ms. Innocent.
The “Taste of Haiti” Box brings Haiti to each member’s doorstep and allows the world to discover the richness Haiti has to offer – one box at a time.
Launching on July 14, 2018, the “Taste of Haiti” Box will be available in the U.S. only for now and subscriptions are as easy as one click.
For detailed information on how to subscribe visit or email
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